The goal of this section is to describe how to do some basic threaded tasks with cl-async.
Please familiarize yourself with notifier.
Example: queuing a background job
Here’s a really short example of how we can create notifier, queue some background work, and once the work is done, trigger the notifier (from the background thread). Then the callback will be triggered from the event loop thread.
(ql:quickload '(:cl-async :bordeaux-threads))
(as:with-event-loop ()
(let* ((result nil)
(notifier (as:make-notifier (lambda () (format t "Job finished! ~a~%" result)))))
(bt:make-thread (lambda ()
(sleep 3) ; such work
(setf result 42)
(as:trigger-notifier notifier)))))
Here, we create a notifier (which sits in the event loop inactive), start a thread that does work in the backgorund (while we continue to process events in our main thread). Once all of our hard work is done, the event is marked as active and then cl-async triggers the callback attached to our event in our main thread.
Note that we save the result of our work into result
. We can do this without
locking in this case because we know that once the callback fires, result
done being written to (and won’t be written to again by the worker thread). Your
specific use-cases may require locking, so keep that in mind.
Example: using promises seamlessly
Let’s integrate what we just did with promises.
(defun work (operation)
"Run `operation` in a background thread, and resolve the returned promise with
the result(s) of the operation once complete. The promise will be resolved on
the same thread `(work ...)` was spawned from (your event-loop thread)."
(bb:with-promise (resolve reject :resolve-fn resolver)
(let* ((err nil)
(result nil)
(notifier (as:make-notifier (lambda ()
(if err
(reject err)
(apply resolver result))))))
(bt:make-thread (lambda ()
(setf result (multiple-value-list (funcall operation)))
(t (e) (setf err e)))
(as:trigger-notifier notifier))))))
(as:with-event-loop ()
(as:with-delay (1) (format t "event loop still running...~%"))
(alet ((val (work (lambda () (sleep 3) (+ 4 5)))))
(format t "got val: ~a~%" val))
(t (e) (format t "err: ~a~%" e))))
Notice that we’re catching and forwarding errors to our promise.
This is a toy example: you shouldn’t spawn a thread every time you need a background job done (it makes more sense to use a thread pool or something like lparallel). What’s important is that we can use promises for both async work and on a threaded basis when using cl-async’s threading support.